The idea of bearing a second child was not as anxiety-causing as the first one. The reason is, ‘EXPERIENCE’. Since I am a working mum and prefer to stay so unless I'm compelled to do otherwise, I have my share of experience with breast pumps. As you're reading this, you possibly have had prior experience or are about to encounter one! So, which type are you thinking about – the manual or the electric version?

Well initially I opted for a manual pump being skeptical about the cons and side effects of the electric one. Eventually, it became hectic and thanks to one of my ex-colleagues, she advised me to use an electric pump which made things much easier...

What makes an electric breast pump your preferred choice?

Pumping in general causes stress to your body. When it's done manually, it additionally puts some strain in your hands too. You get tired and might not end up expressing sufficient milk! Both milk production and ‘letting down’ patterns are unique in the case of every new mom. After the first four to six weeks when you have got familiar with the number of times pumping is required and which is the time for the maximum flow, you can turn on the device being at the comforts of your TV couch too!

Say, you need to pump more than thrice a day as your breasts do not lactate sufficiently at a time. Electric pumps happen to be the more convenient option herein. Else, your stress would have doubled!

The choice of double-pumping...

As for my case, I later opted for an electric double pump. This too had been blissfully advised by my 'office-friend'. We are generally under the notion that a double electric pump helps get more milk in a lesser period. But there's more to it – double pumping, according to research, helps raise the level of prolactin, the milk-producing hormone of our body. This amazing fact was already personally tested’ when I used my double breast pump!

In the end, it’s all about adapting to your device. Every pump is different, that is to say, your compatibility with the device would vary. You therefore, need to give time to the practice of using a breast pump in the very first place. While doing so, there are certain things that you need to consider...

Pumping should not hurt you. If it does, you need to reduce the suction strength. When pumping hurts (if you are setting it at a high speed or using it longer than usual) it might even cause irreversible damage to the tissues! A comfortable speed and an average of 15 minutes of pumping are therefore usually advised by experts.

The right size of the funnel is crucial. The funnel that fits over the breast should optimally surround the nipple such that it moves back and forth freely. See to it that too much of the areola is not pulled. Fitting issues reduce the amount of milk that could be otherwise expressed.

Make sure you are comfy! That's one of the most important factors to be considered in the case of breast pumping. Relaxing aids in releasing oxytocin – the hormone that contributes to stimulating your milk flow!

Here’s an interesting portion of my motherhood experience that I must share with you. Breast pumping magically yields the best results when you get the warmth and coziness of your cuddling infant! This was something that I was told by my pediatrician before discharge from the hospital after the birth of my first child. And it worked really well. Try pumping one of your breasts while your baby suckles from the other. The milk flow, you will notice, goes up automatically!

As I already said before, motherhood is a unique experience, and so is the use of your electric breast pump. With time and use both you and the device needs to adapt to each other. What has gone well with me or your friend might not be working for you. Above everything, you need to relax to make things work out for you. If they don’t, there’s always a second option!