Why do we celebrate National Freedom Day?

National Freedom day is synonymous with the 13th Amendment, a law that brought a final end to slavery constitutionally and ensured equal civil rights for every American. A quick recap of our history lessons back in school reminds us of the great deeds and contributions of President Abraham Lincoln.

Slavery, in the U.S, was abolished by him with the issuing of the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, but not entirely, until, the 13th amendment, passed by the Senate on April 8, 1864, and the House on January 31, 1865, at the end of the Civil War.

It (the day) was far from being observed as any special day across the U.S for about 100 years. It was Richard R. Wright, who started campaigning for proclaiming the day as the National Freedom in 1942. He was only nine years old when the Emancipation Proclamation came into being! However, he died without seeing his dream come true.

In January 1949, at the stroke of President Harry Truman's pen, February 1 was proclaimed National Freedom Day.

February 1: Your plans for this National Freedom Day

As Truman had asked the citizens to “pause” and reflect upon the freedoms that the U.S citizens have been blessed with. The day should, therefore, be observed to contemplate freedom.

Call up an old friend of yours over a weekend dinner. It could also be a family gathering over a barbeque party in the backyard of your house. The winter's still here after all.

If baking is your cup of tea, you could jolly well enjoy the “freedom” of spending your day baking your favorite cakes or cookies! Don’t forget to take your kids along, if they’re at home. Baking is a good thing to make them engage in…it helps them ‘concentrate’ and shoulder responsibility.  

Freedom Day is all about feeling blessed and thankful for all the freedoms that are enjoyed by Americans in their day-to-day lives. On this special day, plan out a short trip to a nearby place.

If it’s a working day for you, take a short break to bask in the freedom of ordering office products online. It could add a little fun to your long hours of working-from-home!

National Freedom Day Facts

national freedom day facts


National Freedom Day activities

One of the primary and important things done on Freedom Day is, laying the wreath at the Liberty Bell. There are numerous local events and celebrations on February 1st.

Freedom Day activities are common in schools. Kids are engaged in several things not only to commemorate the day but also to let them feel the essence of freedom.

  • There are activities themed around the 13th Amendment or slavery abolition.
  • Readings, lectures, and sometimes film screenings based on slavery and its abolition, are held.
  • Students in higher standards are often encouraged in group discussions or an extempore.

If you have big kids at home, encourage them to write down the freedoms that they enjoy. They could take to social media to do this. Speaking out about the freedoms you enjoy promotes appreciation and positivity.

So, “let the freedom ring”!